Roaming Rome: Five observations about Italy’s capital

Roaming Rome: Five observations about Italy’s capital

As the Eternal City and unofficial capital city of the world, Rome brings about many talking points. Here are five things I observed on my recent visit to Italy's capital.

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Last week in review: The good, the bad and the ugly

Last week in review: The good, the bad and the ugly

Milan, Manchester and London were all on the agenda for my birthday celebrations last week, but there were a couple of hiccups that put a dampener on things.

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Lads, football, beer & Milan: The perfect birthday concoction

Lads, football, beer & Milan: The perfect birthday concoction

I've never really celebrated my birthday in a big fashion before, but all that will change in April, when I go with eight lads to Milan for some football, beer and an all-around good time.

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